Desire Rahma Putriani (11215724)
Ichsan Halim (13215221)
Eka Wanchu Pangestu (12215144)
Wahyudi Kristianto (17215100)
Pandu Nusa (15215302)
AEC & Employment In Indonesia
Competition in the labor market will increase towards the implementation of the Asean Economics Community. From the aspect of employment, there is a tremendous opportunity for job seekers as it can be a lot of available jobs with the various needs of its diverse membership. But in this case may brings the risk of employment for Indonesia. In terms of education and productivity Indonesia is still unable to compete with workers from Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. The existing problems of the labor force can not be separated from low quality, such as level of education and expertise are inadequate. Indonesian government should encourage the holding of training skills, English proficiency and computer operation.